Inspire a Girl You Love to be ALL SHE can BE!
Give her a subscription to our monthly inspirational card program,
Inspire a Girl to Greatness,
where she’ ll receive inspirational and motivational messages that will Encourage, Empower, and Inspire her!
(And girls love to get mail!)

Our cards, designed with beautiful photographic images, are 4x6 and larger in postcard form—making it easy to tack them to a bulletin board, tape to a bathroom mirror, carry in a purse or backpack, or slip in the front cover of a notebook.
Successful companies and organizations have long recognized the power of displaying, in the workplace, motivational posters featuring captivating images with inspiring words.
We’re using that same power, in a smaller form.

Benefits of this One-Of-A-Kind opportunity:
- This is for girls and young women ages 8-22 (Due to popular demand, we have added age group for 22+)
- Monthly themes: Each card comes with a special theme message with a practical application activity
- Biblical scriptures and wise sayings are shared when appropriate. They are simple truths without being ‘preachy’
- Age appropriate: Messages and images are universal, however at times the theme message will be worded differently according to the age group
- Prayer support: We have a team that prays for the girls on a regular basis
- Personal prayer requests can be submitted by the girls or their parents/ caregivers
- All this for only $8 a month! (billed annually--$96) OR
you can sign up for a 6-month option for $59.

12+2 = 14 Mailings!
In addition to the monthly themed mailings, she will also receive a WELCOME mailing and another for her birthday!

Personalized with her name!
In her Welcome mailing, she'll receive our popular sunflower card personalized with her name and favorite color!

Sign her up today!