Coaching | Photography With Purpose


A Special Coaching Opportunity, Using Photography, for Women in the Midst of Life Changes

Do you feel like you're stuck?

Not Sure What Your Next Move Should Be?

Perhaps there's been a major change in your life such as:

  • Became an empty-nester
  • A major relationship change (divorce, death of loved one, friendship loss, etc)
  • A career change
  • Retirement (yours or your spouse's)
  • Health Issues
  • Feels like you can't move forward in areas
  • You may be asking "God where are you?"
Grab your camera and transform your life in 90 days with BOOST!
You're the photographer with specific  photography exercises being  part of your transformation process. You'll experience a creative way to sharpen your focus and get the boost you need to get unstuck!


Beat Obstacles-Obtain Successful Transitions

  • Get UNSTUCK and determine your steps towards greater purpose
  • Refine your focus and recharge your purpose
  • Create your own snapshots to success
  • Search out & destroy the hidden walls of self-limiting beliefs that are holding you captive
  • See your way clearly - clean the lens of your vision with the right solution (the wrong ones will damage it)
  • Picture where you're going and act as if you're there
  • Close the gap of spiritual disconnect

It's Your Turn!

Doors of opportunity are open to me! That’s what this photo represents. Though in my life growing up in foster care, I may have felt the walls were closed in on me and I couldn’t get out, but, I now know that good things are ahead, as wonderful doors have opened for me. This workshop has helped me to see that!

Alicia Sanchez - Riverside, CA


Alicia Sanchez - Riverside, CA


One thing I've learned through the workshops is It’s okay to be myself. I am lovable the way I am. I won’t let others get me down. I will make changes that I can make. I will talk more positively about myself, because I am a valuable young woman.

Tiffany Moreno


Tiffany Moreno


The girls from our foster care agency thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and want to continue with more classes!

Jennifer Barraza

Aspira Foster Care Agency

Jennifer Barraza

Aspira Foster Care Agency

Working with Joan and all of her amazing lifestyle development programs has been life-changing. As a young adult taking her classes, I learned how to apply grace and kindness towards myself and others. Joan planted the seeds of love in my heart and gave me the tools to help them grow. Now I am a life coach and entrepreneur in the health and wellness spectrum.  Thank you, Joan and thank you, Lord for putting her in my path.

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Killing them softly... How our media-saturated culture sexualizes adolescent girls and 3 of the dangers it's causing written by Joan Rudder-Ward

In our media-saturated culture sexualization and objectification of girls is commonplace within all forms of media 
Research links sexualization with three of the most common mental health problems of girls and women 
Many girls suffer a loss of 'true-self' which can be hard to regain